Live for the weekend
Just before we begin - No your eyes are not deceiving you, i have changed my colour scheme. Reason? Well if you look at my previous post, you will see it all. Call me suspicious, but i want to limit my association with psychopaths as much as possible. (And no, i am NOT a psychopath, merely eccentric) Saying that, all i did was change the colours, but kept the format. Cheap i know, but what i really want to do is do my own custom thing. Unfortunately, i can't get my head around all this HTML nonsense. Don't suppose anyone can help me with that?
Anyway, its Friday! Yay. I'd say I've got plans, but that would be a lie. I have no plans, never do. Really, the weekend for me is a chance to do what i do normally (mainly nothing) but in a legitimate capacity. You feel less guilty.
Hmmm.....Well, this went well. I can't actually think of a discussion for today. If i think of something ill let you guys know, for now - Have a good one.
What do you want to do in html? CSS works better in the blogger template. Changing to the not-beta-anymore version is an idea, it practically does everything for you - bar the ironing.
The very fact that i have no idea what you are talking about highlights my problem. But i'm not using the beta version. I waited until it came out of beta before i did the ol' switcheroo.
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