Sunday, May 06, 2007

Poker Face

The amount of poker I've played recently is rather disturbing. The amount of money I have potentially lost had those chips been worth real money is even more so. But it is such a fun game.

I first got taught how to play it properly a couple of weeks ago, by a good American friend of mine. Yes i know, it's hard to believe, but contrary to popular belief, some Americans are decent, and she is one of them. I so kicked her ass.

Then came this Thursday just gone. I went to a little get together with some friends down the road - mini-house party style. There was alcohol, there was truth or dare games (which generally ended in all of us Irish Jigging in the street), and then there was Poker! My American friend put my kicking her ass down to beginners luck, so this was the ultimate rematch of sorts. She wiped the floor with me. Although, to be fair, there was like 6 other people i had to keep and eye on as well, but she was wiping the floor with all of them. I went bust 3 times, and each time, i asked her, "Feeling Generous Whitney?". Which of course, she was, bless her.

After i busted for the 4th, and final time, it was a bout 1:30 AM, there were only a few of us left, and i had an exam that day. So i said my goodbyes, went up the road back to my own house, with the firm and square intention of getting into bed, and going to sleep. Then i realised my house mates were also playing poker, so i decided to muck in with them. Oh dear. It was about several hands, no busts and a few pints of water later, that i realised it was 5AM, that i still had an exam that day (along with a 9AM lecture), and that it was unlikely i was going to get any sleep. So i started giggling.

Finally finished at about 6:30, went to sleep and missed my 9AM lecture, went and did my exam (Fail) and went to another house party that night. Which also involved Poker. I know what your thinking, and yes, i do want my own poker set. I'm not an addict though.

P.s. The picture - I am aware it is from the wrong game. Allow it. Also, I'll see if i can make the updates slightly more regular. Sorry.

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At 11:08 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Joe!

Ooo, I like poker, glad you're getting into it!

Btw, Getting Vocal which is on your blogroll is no longer running - I'm now writing at

Best Wishes,


At 7:30 pm , Blogger P. said...

I know what your thinking

I'm wondering how much of this bottle of voddie I gotta sink before the exposed nerve in my wisdom tooth stops its one-nerve quest to invoke my fucking suicide.

Were you close?

Do you play poker online?

At 8:23 pm , Blogger JustCommunication said...

Nah, i'm not that sad :P lol..its a cool game though. Close? if your talking about the exam, i was reasonably close, if your talking about something else..then elaborate lol.


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