Sunday, May 18, 2008

Form the Column

It's quite nice knowing what you want to do in life. Gives you a feeling of certainty, security...and it's also kind of exciting.

Of course the next question is: What now? Where do I go from here? Well, some work experience at somewhere like Gamestm would be nice, but they don't feel like talking to me for some reason. But it occurred to me, since I'm editor of a student website, why not put it to use?

Of course running and maintaining an entire section by myself is not exactly a walk in a park. Gamers who can actually string two sentences together without going 'lolz' or 'owned' are hard to find at my uni, but a fellow games journalist (I say fellow, it's some random person who offered me advice.) suggested that instead of trying to pump out the reviews, why not do a column?

So, to you my loyal fans i pledge you this: I will try to do a regular games column of some sort. For practice and to build up my portfolio. Once i get my head around the logistics I'll try and do something on bwire, but until then, the column shall rest here.

Here's to hoping that i can keep it up this time.

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