Saturday, May 19, 2007


Do you know what i hate? The Wind. Do you know why? Because it's pushy, it's bossy, it acts like it owns the place, no matter what kind of day it is. Say it's pissing down with rain, your huddled up in your coat, head down, just trying to get to where you want to go without taking the Nile with you, and all of a sudden, here comes the wind saying "Where do you think your going? I think you should go this way instead." Although, since he is speaking in his native tongue, what you actually hear is a great howl, and suddenly you find yourself staggering backwards, or sideways.

Same again on a sunny day, your strolling along, minding your own business, catching some rays, all of sudden, along comes the wind, "Hey Fucker, walk faster!" and suddenly your being propelled forward. Again, to the sound of a great howl. (It's not a very imaginative language, the wind. Beats German or French though.) Whenever instances like these happen to me, you'll often hear my brain shouting "Fuck off!" to the heavens, and of course the heaven's reply "Fuck you!", which sounds oddly like more wind.

I was looking outside today, and it was a perfectly sunny day, but there was wind howling away. I thought "Bastard!", and then along came the cloud, which got rid of the sun, to which i thought, "Fucker!". Then i went to the cinema and saw Magicians and forgot all about it. That film is mental, utterly mental. Funny, don't get me wrong, but completely whack.

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At 1:37 am , Blogger P. said...

sorry, but the "I have no right" pedant in me feels the need to point out ('spesh since you're a journo in training - and the country needs at least three who don't rely solely on their Sub Eds for literacy skills) that your constant misuse of 'your' in place of 'you're' (or 'you are') is well bad.

That said, I've proofread my own blog, the 'morning after', and seen the exact same thing. I know, people in jelly tubs shouldn't throw salt.

At 1:20 pm , Blogger JustCommunication said...

Damn, you're right and all. My bad ^^

At 12:41 pm , Blogger P. said...

Let us all know how the exams went, dood!


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