Sunday, June 10, 2007

Summer Love

I'll give you three guesses as to how I spent the last 24-hours. Go on. No guesses? Oh ok, I’ll tell you then. First off, I’ve been awake for the past 24 hours. For a good 12 - 14 of those hours, I was drunk. For 10 hours, i was in a field. Four of those hours also had me feeling like shit, and I actually had a nap for 3 hours, so maybe I cheated slightly.

Saturday the 9th of June was Bournemouth Universities biggest annual event: the Summerball. Basically, you spend £30 to dress up, go to a field, and spend yet more money on the various amusements, food, and alcohol. It was immense. Some the costumes were really impressive; You had a whole bunch of Spartans from 300 - great shout (There were even some immortals, which was even better). You had Ninja turtles, Tetris Cubes, Vikings....Girls in the skimpiest outfits. (High five to Arse Cleavage). What did I go as I hear you cry? Me, my housemate and some of his friends went as Reservoir Dogs...although we were a couple Dogs short, but what can you do? We looked the shit. You wouldn't believe the amount of "Men in Black" "Blues Brothers" and "Mafia" calls we got though...grarr... It's Reservoir Dogs! Get it right!

But I had a really good time, at least. Ran into some course mates, and even my former housemates. One of them apparently reads these, so if you’re reading this Alex, It was good seeing you again.
I’m now course feeling absolutely brain dead, and would just like to sleep for a few…weeks. High Five.


At 9:35 am , Blogger P. said...

i know the feeling! What with Download and the Isle of Wight kicking off last weekend too, I'd imagine you have many more sympathisers too. Glad you had fun and you did look ace.

High five to Arse Cleavage

I will be highing you no five on this one - please don't encourage the builders!


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