Monday, July 30, 2007

You've got the touch...

Over the weekend, i went and saw a movie, and not just any movie, the movie.

I had been waiting for this movie for a very long time, waiting in anticipation, in fear, in excitement....this movie would probably make or break the part of myself that refuses to grow up (which, as you may have guessed by now, is a very very big part). I sat down, nervously holding the sides of my seat, tapping my foot in agitation, and trying my best to make diversionary small talk with my two friends who also came to see it. As the opening credits rolled, i braced myself for the worst.

I came out with a huge grin on my face.

The film of course was the Transformers. Best. Movie. Ever. I couldn't have asked for a better remake of my childhood. Sure it seem a little like a generic Action/Drama featuring the Transformers, but who cares? When they were used, they were used brilliantly. The humour was good, the action was better, and the storyline was just what i would expect from a Transformers story. Best part yet, there's going to be more! Huzzah!

Don't worry, i plan to grow up when i hit retirement age.

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At 10:58 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't seen it yet.. gotta ask the missus if she wants to see this one or "Simpsons the movie" next ^^



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