Monday, July 02, 2007

Remember, Remember....

The human mind is a complex thing. So many disorders are associated with it, Mankind's greatest feats stem from it, and our knowledge of how it actually works is minimal. Memory in particular is one of the biggest mysteries of all. Why? Well.....i forget (buh dum tish)

Anyway, the point is: I'm in trouble.

My step-mom hates me at the moment. Which i find slightly bizarre, because we've always gotten along fine, and i find i tell her things that i never tell anyone else. But now she wants to give me an ear full. Of Spiked Club. What did i do? I forgot my little brothers birthday. (FUCK!) Even I'm pissed off with that...but, what can i do? Whats done has been done, now all I've got to do is wait for that Mace to get me good and proper...

Oh, i forget to mention, i forgot my step-moms AND my Grandmas birthday too....i think I'm on a role.

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At 2:56 pm , Blogger Lis of the North said...

Hello. I landed here from Facebook: Isn't the interweb an amazing place.
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