Monday, August 06, 2007

Filling In

I went to the Dentists today, not the most thrilling experience in my life I can tell you. Don't really like going to the dentist, mainly because i can think of so many other things I'd rather spend my time doing. Also, being 19, I now have to pay £15.90 for every check up, which sucks major wong. Can't even get a student discount. Still, I get to sign my own form now. My brother also came for his check-up, but he can't sign his form, because under-18's aren't deemed to have the mental capacity to use a pen in such an official manner.

Today's visit held a nasty surprise, which came in two phases. Phase one: After poking around in my teeth for all of 2 minutes, he subtly pronounced "you need a filling". I was a little perturbed, but not overly shocked. Phase 2: I noticed the sign saying that i needed to pay £43.60 for it. Now that was shocking.

The worst part of it is i can't refuse treatment. I can't say "Thanks, but no thanks". It might be a little pretentious, but I seriously have no problem letting my tooth collapse in on itself, if it means i save £43. It's not like it's going to kill me anyway. Apparently you get stricken off the NHS register for refusing treatment, aka Blackmail.

Suspiciously enough, my brother (who eats just as much crap as me, and didn't even bother having braces) doesn't need a filling. I have a theory that, upon turning 18 (and thus being required to start paying) several fillings and other assorted dental ailments will suddenly pop up, out of nowhere. Only time will tell.

Wish me luck for tomorrow. Operation "Fill-it" will commence at 14:00 hours. I wonder what will hurt more, the filling of my tooth, or the needle needed to make sure i don't have to feel the filling of my tooth.....

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