Monday, July 30, 2007

You've got the touch...

Over the weekend, i went and saw a movie, and not just any movie, the movie.

I had been waiting for this movie for a very long time, waiting in anticipation, in fear, in excitement....this movie would probably make or break the part of myself that refuses to grow up (which, as you may have guessed by now, is a very very big part). I sat down, nervously holding the sides of my seat, tapping my foot in agitation, and trying my best to make diversionary small talk with my two friends who also came to see it. As the opening credits rolled, i braced myself for the worst.

I came out with a huge grin on my face.

The film of course was the Transformers. Best. Movie. Ever. I couldn't have asked for a better remake of my childhood. Sure it seem a little like a generic Action/Drama featuring the Transformers, but who cares? When they were used, they were used brilliantly. The humour was good, the action was better, and the storyline was just what i would expect from a Transformers story. Best part yet, there's going to be more! Huzzah!

Don't worry, i plan to grow up when i hit retirement age.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hallows and Horcruxes

Yesterday I bought, read, and finished the final Harry Potter book. I'll admit, it felt like the end of an era. (By the way, i am going to proceed to talk about the book now, if you haven't read it, avert your eyes. Although, to be honest, if you haven't bought it yet, you probably don't care that much anyway)

I never was one of those people who got uncontrollably excited about this book. I didn't camp outside Waterstones in the rain for days prior to the release. I didn't wet myself after reading the first few lines, and i didn't cry a river when people died right at the beginning. Very grim book this one. (Although I nearly, nearly got a bit teary towards the end)

I liked it. I felt it was a very good ending to the series. Part of me wishes certain aspects of it had been developed a bit sooner, like some subtle hints as to what really was going on in slipped into the Half-Blood Prince or whatever, but never mind. It was just almost a bit too...sudden, if you get me. I also didn't like the fact that Harry kept using his link between himself and Voldemort (Which was supposed to be closed down). It just was a little too much like cheating. The reasons for Snape's actions also fit into this critique, because even thought the reasons themselves were quite good i thought, and portrayed quite well in the end, I still wish they're had been some hint in earlier books, but there you go.

The Deathly Hallows themselves were a very interesting concept to introduce. Everyone assumed Harry had to die (which he did) because he was a Horcrux (which he was), the Hollows was the hidden catch to that theory, and once you find out what they are, it becomes clear, and is quite nicely done.

Big fight scene at the end which was quite good., even if it did start to feel like some cheesy high-school reunion moment. I'm glad it ended in Hogwards to be honest. The series started there, it is fitting it should end there too. Death toll is a bit grim mind, you can't help but wonder whether it was necessary for certain people to die, but never mind. I really was like "Oh my god! Not Hedwig!" though...

Yes, a good end to an all round good series. Lets see how the rest of the films match up, shall we?

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Sunday, July 22, 2007


Despite the grossly inappropriate amount of time i appear to have on my hands, it both puzzles and annoys me that it took me this long to think of something blog-worthy to write about, and even then it is only to comment on how puzzling and annoying the situation is. I must be losing my touch.

I am jobless at the moment, a state of being that is both pleasant, and mind-numbingly boring: I sit around in my room most of the time on the PC, watching DVDs, or both. It is during these times that my mind ascends to a higher plane of existence, time has no meaning anymore, the intricacies of the human form break down, and the senses dissipate....nothing matters, apart from the task at hand. It is only when I've wet myself and my stomach starts ingesting itself, that i realise i have not in fact gone to the next plain. Damn. Time does seem to pass obscenely quick at the moment, with brief reprises in the form of friends, Tae-kwon-do, and Drama.

I saw the latest Harry Potter film yesterday. It wasn't bad, Harry's state of mind was handled better then it was in the book (I so wanted to smack him when i first read it), but to be honest, the film is all about the fight sequence at the end between the Death Eaters and the Order.

I think I'll leave it there for today. I promise I will try to be more frequent....I've got a couple ideas for the next post.

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Remember, Remember....

The human mind is a complex thing. So many disorders are associated with it, Mankind's greatest feats stem from it, and our knowledge of how it actually works is minimal. Memory in particular is one of the biggest mysteries of all. Why? Well.....i forget (buh dum tish)

Anyway, the point is: I'm in trouble.

My step-mom hates me at the moment. Which i find slightly bizarre, because we've always gotten along fine, and i find i tell her things that i never tell anyone else. But now she wants to give me an ear full. Of Spiked Club. What did i do? I forgot my little brothers birthday. (FUCK!) Even I'm pissed off with that...but, what can i do? Whats done has been done, now all I've got to do is wait for that Mace to get me good and proper...

Oh, i forget to mention, i forgot my step-moms AND my Grandmas birthday too....i think I'm on a role.

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