Sunday, October 28, 2007


I've been dealing more and more with "perspective" as of late. Several contentious issues have arisen in and around the Uni, and whilst my feelings on such issues are usually clear, i can't help but play the Devil's Advocate so that everyone else understands what is really at stake.

This usually results in me putting my neck in the guillotine just so i can get a point across. It stopped being funny a long time ago. One thing that i really don't like thought is disrespect, especially when it comes to discussion. Luckily, there's only a "few" (*cough* Corfe house *cough*) that have done this to me so far, so it's not all bad, but if someone is trying to put a point across, even if it may seemingly go against what you believe, you let them make that point first, before rebuking them. It's just being polite. I'd go into detail, but then it would just turn into a rant and that's not what i want.

In other news, I've secured myself some freelance work, which is uber cool. An online magazine called Howdooz wanted a weekly news writer, un-paid, and so i stepped up and said "Yes!". Sent in my first article yesterday, so ill send you the link once it's up.

Please excuse me, Halo 3 is calling me again.... (Yes, i bought the Xbox in the end)

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Jump Ship

I've always been a man of principle. Early on in my life, I made a choice, and I have stuck through that choice. But lately, temptation has manifested itself in biblical proportions, and I don't know how long I can hold out. Should I do it? Would it make me a bad person? Would the fun out weigh the guilt I might/might not feel? Would it end up being a huge waste of money?

To buy or not to buy, that is the question....

I'm talking about Halo 3 and the Xbox 360. You see, for my entire gaming life I have been a follower of Nintendo. From the early days of the SNES and the 64 right through to today's Wii, The console I have always owned has been Nintendo, and I have only played other peoples Playstations and Xboxs. But my Wii sits relatively unused, and as Halo 3 calls out from the deep I begin to wonder...should i jump ship? I got the Wii for Christmas so it's not like I'm wasting money (although is it a slap in the face to those who bought it for me?). It's not that I'm abandoning Nintendo either, I'm not, I just really really really want an Xbox right now. I mean just look at what I've got against me, Halo 3, Mass Effect .... loads of decent titles are beginning to emerge on the Xbox. As for the Wii? Zip.... and I reckon because of this I'm losing my motivation to play it. I STILL haven't finished Zelda you know.

Such a Dilemma. Technically I can afford the investment, but it will eat into my student loan considerably, and I don't have a job yet. Also, there is no guarantee my interest in the system will continue in the long term, but then I will have the Wii to go back too. I also have to consider how this will affect my studies. My girlfriend is already worried that she'll never see me again, and I haven't even bought the damn thing yet. So many angles to consider.

One thing I will stick too though, I won't buy it until i have a job........God I hope Empire get back to me soon....

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Actually, I take it back. My timetable is actually pretty good. I've been bumming about my house since 11 this morning, having only had two lectures in the morning. I have been feeling kind of zoned out today mind....

Oh well.

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It's a new dawn, it's a new day....

Well, this is it. My classes officially started as of yesterday, I'm a (actual) student once again. This is year is going to be different, I can tell.

Apart from the fact that my timetables a bit poo (at first glance anyway, I'm sure a thorough inspection will show that I'm just being silly), and the fact that things will obviously step a bit this year, there are a few other things to consider too. Nerve Radio will probably want me back, I'll have this Editor gig going on...friends to see, Halo 3 to play, and my other secret, my girlfriend. Yes that's right. I have a girlfriend.

I've always wanted to say that. I'll admit, I'm just as surprised as you are. Met her randomly on the Student Union forums as part of my Welcome Crew duties, met up with her when she finally got to Bournemouth, and then we just kinda hit it off. All very exiting.

Anyway, just a quick one today as I'm tired and she wants to go to bed. More soon.

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Round 2 - Ed

Things are beginning to really get into gear lately. Pre-Enrollment talks, purchase of books and stationary, over-sleeping....slowly but surely, i am re-aligning myself to Uni-life. This mainly manifests itself as me literally throwing myself at a brand new task/job.

With luck, and a little persuasion, you could soon be talking to the new Multi-Media Editor for The Wire (for those who missed that update, the Wire is the student newspaper here at Bournemouth). With the print version of the Wire struggling last year, and the website being all but neglected, "the management" feel some changes were in order, primarily expansion and concentration onto the alternative medias. This will mean more focus on the website, and more focus on things like blogs and podcasts, which is where i come in to manage it all. I'll admit, I'm pretty excited.

I've recently held a kind of fascination with podcasts, and have always wanted to get into the field somehow, especially audio ones as it links closely with radio, which i love. I've already come up with several ideas of how the podcasts will play out, so i hope to get stuck in asap.

On a negative note, I've received my timetable for this year. Utter shit. Not one day off. 7 o'clock finish on Thursdays. Awkward times, and worst of all, late afternoon finish on Wednesdays! Everyone is supposed to have Wednesday afternoons off, but we don't. Suffice to say i am very vexed. Oh well, maybe ill do something trendy and blog about it....

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